Michael McDonough - Certified Christian Life Coach

Meet Michael McDonough
Michael is a Certified Christian professional Life coach through (ICCI) the International Christian Coaching Institute and specializes in helping people overcome any fear-based thinking and life challenge by focusing on their spiritual growth, which leads to their God given purpose in life. He trained under a licensed therapist Gary Morais the author of the I – Hurt book who mentored him on how to identify our Self-Doubt – Self -Defeating – Over Expectant – Contrary and hypersensitive way of thinking .
He coaches clients privately and leads small groups through any life challenge using tools and solutions along with spiritual principles. Clients learn to live more authentically, align with their own truth, learn to forgive, release any fear, and navigate any challenge in a healthier way. His clients experience more joy, less stress, and a deeper sense of their true authentic self.
After researching, and experiencing the destructive impact of fear and anxiety, he discovered the practices of how to conquer fear by communicating through our differences, and creating internal ways to eliminate the internal anxiety we create.
His ship to lighthouse coaching method will give you the self-assurance to navigate through life challenges ,overcome obstacles that interfere in our lives. Stay Focus in the present moment each day, every day . Stay Strong in the God-fearing principles and convictions that you believe. Lead The Way with faith and hope for a better tomorrow . You deserve it.
Core Values
Divine Intervention will display the highest standard of Integrity of honesty and uphold strong moral principles to all our clients God puts in our path. We will meet people where they are in life with the empathy for their situations and provide a steadfast of perseverance to supply resources and education to assist with any challenges they will endure. We will be disciplined in the actions pleasing to God and hold ourselves and others to a standard of accountability to achieve the will and calling we so desire under the direction of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Vision Statement
To shine the light of GOD in the darkest place we dwell, give direction and guidance to a humble heart, and lead our steps onto a Christ centered path to receive everlasting peace.
Mission Statement
To meet people where they are in life with Christ Like Compassion for their situation, Provide Biblically Based Education and Resources to overcome their fear-based thinking and empower them with Faith and Hope for a better Tomorrow.